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Farm n Food
Farm n Food
A magazine on agriculture and allied industries, Farm n Food is the first publication of its kind created especially for progresive farmers. It aims at providing information that will increase agricultural efficiency and food production in India. It also provides farm practitioners with the knowledge of tools, techniques and and the latest advancements in agriculture.
  • 1 Year
    12 Issues
    Rs. 300
    Rs. 240
    *Rs. 132 extra for express delivery
    Rs. 372
    Total Price
    Rs. 372
  • 2 Year
    24 Issues
    Rs. 600
    Rs. 450
    *Rs. 264 extra for express delivery
    Rs. 714
    Total Price
    Rs. 714
  • 1 Year
    24 Issues
    Rs. 360
    Rs. 288
    *Rs. 264 extra for express delivery
    Rs. 552
    Total Price
    Rs. 552
  • 2 Year
    48 Issues
    Rs. 720
    Rs. 540
    *Rs. 528 extra for express delivery
    Rs. 1068
    Total Price
    Rs. 1068
  • 1 Year
    24 Issues
    Rs. 1320
    Rs. 1056
    *Rs. 384 extra for express delivery.
    Rs. 1440
    Total Price
    Rs. 1440
  • 2 Year
    48 Issues
    Rs. 2640
    Rs. 1980
    *Rs. 768 extra for express delivery.
    Rs. 2748
    Total Price
    Rs. 2748


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